Welcome to the new "BorrowerHelp" site/blog!
Given the dynamics of the lending industry and the proliferation of servicing problems, the traditional web page-based site has simply become too cumbersome when compared to the simplicity and speed of today's blogs.
This much more interactive and immediate response style will help us get information about the issues borrowers are facing to more people sooner. And in addition to a focus on what works and what doesn't, we'll be drawing on other experts and including their commentary here.
So keep sending emails with your issues - of course we're not attorneys and we can't give you legal advice, but over the years we've seen the good, the bad and the ugly and may be able to steer you to a viable source of information.
And if you have a suggestion or comment about what you see, please feel free to click in on the "comment" link below - you'll need a Google account but that's easy and painless. There are a lot of people out there who have valuable insight to share. Because of the nature of things like forums, we obviously have to edit submissions, and we won't publish someone's name unless they insist, but if the comment is helpful or interesting we'll include it.
And one more thing - we're not interested in politics, vast conspiracy theories or hyperbolic accusations. There's enough of that on the 'net already.
So welcome aboard! Take some time to check the news links and then spread the word!
W. Craig Kenney craig@borrowerhelp.com
Dave R. Mortensen dave@borrowerhelp.com